Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is appointed by Elekta’s Board of Directors and monitors the quality of the financial reporting, risk management, the correct use of established financial principles, examines the work of the auditors and informs the Board.
The Audit Committee consists of three members, appointed by the Board at the first board meeting following the election of the Board by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. The members of the Committee are Tomas Eliasson, who is also the Chairman of the Committee, Jan Secher and Volker Wetekam. In addition to the committee members, the CFO, the Head of Group Accounting and the Chief Audit Executive also attend the committee’s meetings as well as the external auditor, if needed. One of the deputy general counsels serves as secretary for the committee.
The objective of the Audit Committee is to monitor the Group’s financial reporting and sustainability reporting, and provide recommendations and proposals to ensure the reliability of the reporting. The Committee shall further, with regard to the financial reporting and sustainability reporting, monitor the effectiveness of Elekta’s internal control, internal audit and risk management. The Committee’s responsibilities also include being continually informed about the audit of the annual report and consolidated financial statements as well as the auditor’s review of the sustainability report. In addition, the Committee shall inform the Board about the result of the audit and review, and how the audit and review contributed to the reliability of the reporting as well as the role of the committee during the audit and review. The Audit Committee also examines and monitors the impartiality and independence of the external auditor. Furthermore, part of the Committee’s responsibilities include assisting the Nomination Committee with preparing a proposal for the AGM concerning the appointment of the external auditor.
Refer to Elekta’s Corporate Governance Report for more information about the Committee’s work, meeting attendance, etc. during the last fiscal year.