Compensation and Sustainability Committee
The Compensation and Sustainability Committee is appointed by Elekta’s Board of Directors and prepares matters regarding remuneration principles, remuneration and other terms of employment for company management, evaluates the program for variable remuneration and application of the guidelines of remuneration of senior executives.
The Compensation and Sustainability Committee consists of three members appointed by the board at the first board meeting following the election of the board by the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. The members of the committee are Laurent Leksell, who is also the Chairman of the committee, Wolfgang Reim and Cecilia Wikström. In addition to the committee members, the President and CEO, the EVP & Chief People Officer, the VP Compensation & Benefits, the Group Sustainability Director as well as the VP Group Strategy, Sustainability & Transformation attend the committee’s meetings. The General Counsel serves as secretary for the committee.
The compensation and sustainability committee shall prepare the Board of Director’s motions on issues relating to remuneration principles, remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment for the executive management. In relation to sustainability, the committee shall, inter alia, monitor the measures to strengthen corporate culture with respect to corporate social responsibility in the light of the Company’s code of conduct as well as advise the President and CEO on proposals for targets and vision for sustainability.
Refer to Elekta’s Corporate Governance Report for more information about the committee’s work, meeting attendance, etc. during the last fiscal year.