Nomination committee
The nomination committee is appointed according to the principles adopted at the annual general meeting (AGM) and is tasked with submitting proposals to the next AGM regarding the Chairman of the Board, Board members, auditors and Chairman of the meeting, and proposals on fees to the Board and auditors.
Principles for appointing the nomination committee
The nomination committee is appointed through a procedure whereby the Chairman of the Board, prior to the end of the second quarter, approaches the four largest shareholders in terms of votes, in addition to the shareholder or shareholders represented by the Chairman. The assessment of which shareholders are the largest is based on Euroclear Sweden’s shareholder statistics as of the last banking day in September. These shareholders are each invited to appoint a member who, together with the Chairman of the Board, are to comprise the nomination committee. This process is described in detail in the notice from the AGM 2024.
Refer to Elekta’s Corporate Governance Report for more information about the nomination committee’s work during the last fiscal year.