Elekta will publish its 2007/08 full year report on June 16 and arrange an investor meeting on June 18 according to the following schedule:
• The 2007/08 full year report on June 16 at around 13.00 CEDT
• A teleconference and webcast (audio only) will be held on June 16 at 16.00 CEDT.
• On June 18, Elekta will arrange an Investor meeting at the company’s Head Office in Stockholm. All private and institutional investors, buy- and sell-side analysts as well as media representatives are welcome to this event. The presentations will start at 14.00 CEDT, and is expected to run until around 17.00. This event will be webcasted (audio and slides) with call-in option.
• Elekta will commence its quiet period from May 16.
Details for teleconference/audio webcast on June 16 at 16.00 CEDT:
Call-in numbers:
UK: +44 (0)20 7162 0025
US: +1 334 323 6201
Norway: +47 2156 312 0
France: +33 (0)1 7099 3208
Germany: +49 (0)695 8999 0507
Netherlands: +31 (0)20 7965 008
Sweden: +46 (0)8 5052 0110
Denmark: +45 3271 4607
Switzerland (Geneva): +41 (0)2 2592 7007
Switzerland (Zurich): +41 (0)434 5692 61
(Please note: for Local Connect dial-in numbers – it may be required to dial the area code to enter the conference.)
To take part in the conference call, please dial in about 5 minutes in advance. You will be placed in a so-called waiting room until the chairman has declared the meeting opened.
Instant replay: The teleconference will be available on instant replay for 7 days. To obtain the service, please dial U.K. +44 (0)20 7031 4064, Sweden +46 (0) 850520333, US 1-954-334-0342 Access code: 792366.
The June 16 teleconference will also be broadcasted over the Internet (audio only). Please visit - Investors and follow the link or use the direct link:
Details for investor meeting and webcast on June 18 at 14.00 CEDT:
To participate in person, please send notice to
Call-in numbers:
UK: +44 (0)20 7162 0025
US: +1 334 323 6201
France: +33 (0)1 7099 3208
Germany: +49 (0)695 8999 0507
Sweden: +46 (0)8 5052 0110
Denmark: +45 3271 4607
Norway: +47 2156 312 0
Switzerland (Geneva): +41 (0)2 2592 7007
Switzerland (Zurich): +41 (0)434 5692 61
(Please note: for Local Connect dial-in numbers – it may be required to dial the area code to enter the conference.)
To take part in the conference call, please dial in about 5 minutes in advance. You will be placed in a so-called waiting room until the chairman has declared the meeting opened.
Instant replay: The teleconference will be available on instant replay for 7 days. To obtain the service, please dial U.K. (Europe): +44 (0) 20 7031 4064, Sweden: +46 (0) 850520333, US + 1-954-334-0342. Access code: 792238.
The June 18 meeting will also be broadcasted over the Internet (audio and slides). Please visit - Investors and follow the link or use the direct link:
Warm welcome,
Peter Ejemyr
Group VP Corporate Communications