Report on operations in the year ended April 30, 2004
Report on operations in the year ended April 30, 2004· Profit after taxes increased to SEK 248 M (234). Earnings per share before dilution in-creased to SEK 7.63 (7.29) and after dilution to SEK 7.63 (7.14). · Operating profit amounted to SEK 306 M (323) and the operating margin was 11 percent (12). · Cash flow after investments rose sharply to SEK 363 M (288). · Order bookings rose 2 percent to SEK 3,262 M (3,186). At fixed exchange rates, order bookings increased 12 percent. Order bookings in the fourth quarter were SEK 1,119 M (974), up 15 percent. · The order backlog at April 30, 2004 amounted to SEK 2,728 M (2,411), a record high level.· Net sales rose 4 percent to SEK 2,900 M (2,781). At fixed exchange rates, net sales in-creased 14 percent.· The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting provides authorization for buy-back of shares in Elekta AB corresponding to a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of shares outstanding.For full version, please see enclosed PDF file.For additional information, contact:Peter Ejemyr, Group VP Corporate Communications, Elekta AB (publ) Tel. +46-8-587 254 00 or +46-733-611 000Further information on Elekta is available at: ------------------------------------------------------------This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.netThe following files are available for download: Report on operations in the year ended April 30, 2004