Elekta's opponent in patent dispute files petition to u.s supreme court
ELEKTA'S OPPONENT IN PATENT DISPUTE FILES PETITION TO U.S SUPREME COURTAs previously announced, on September 22, 2003, the United States Courtof Appeals for the Federal Circuit vacated the $24 million September 10,2002 judgment entered against Elekta after a trial in the United StatesDistrict Court for the Southern District of California. The appealscourt's decision absolved Elekta of all liability.On October 30, 2003, the appeals court announced its decision to deny apetition from Medical Instrumentation and Diagnostics Corporation(Midco), Elekta's opponent in the patent dispute, to reconsider itsruling issued on September 22, 2003.On Monday, January 26, 2004, Midco filed a petition for a writ ofcertiorari with the United States Supreme Court, requesting review ofthe Federal Circuit's judgment.A petition for a writ of certiorari is a petition requesting the rightto file an appeal. Grant of this remedy is unusual. In the context ofpatent cases, the Supreme Court typically grants certiorari in only avery few cases a year. *********** For further information, please contact:International: Peter Ejemyr, Group VP Corporate Communications, ElektaAB (publ), Phone: +46 733 611 000, e-mail: peter.ejemyr@elekta.comUnited States: Lars Jonsteg, VP Investor Relations North America,Elekta, USA Phone: +1 770-670-2419, e-mail: lars.jonsteg@elekta.comElekta is a world-leading supplier of advanced and innovative radiationoncology and neurosurgery solutions and services for precise treatmentof cancer and brain disorders. Elekta's solutions are clinicallyeffective, cost efficient and gentle to the patient.For additional information about Elekta, please visit www.elekta.com------------------------------------------------------------This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.netThe following files are available for download:http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/01/27/20040127BIT00810/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/01/27/20040127BIT00810/wkr0002.pdf