ELEKTA WINS MAJOR ONCOLOGY CONTRACT WITH LEADING GPOPremier chooses Elekta for three-year oncology agreement Premier Purchasing Partners, L.L.P., the group purchasing division ofPremier, Inc., has entered into a three-year contract with Elekta forradiation oncology solutions for its member hospital and clinic groups.The contract with Elekta goes into effect September 1, 2004. One of the nation's largest group purchasing organizations, Premier is ahealthcare alliance enterprise collectively owned by more than 200independent hospitals and health systems in the U.S., which operate orare affiliated with approximately 1,500 local hospitals and hundreds ofother healthcare sites. "With the pressure on hospitals to provide leading-edge technology thatis also cost-effective over time, we felt that Elekta would solve bothof those needs," said Jack Cox, M.D., chief medical officer and groupvice president, product planning for Premier Purchasing Partners."Elekta clearly demonstrated a desire to address our complete needs;clinical, technical and business. We believe the Elekta radiationoncology solutions will help us to achieve greater operational andclinical effectiveness." "Premier has very strict selection guidelines for technical and suppliercontracts, requiring extensive evaluation by committees and clinicians,"explained Jan Kenoyer, Director, National & Strategic Alliances forElekta North America. "What it came down to was Elekta's technologyleadership as well as a demonstrated desire to understand and addressthe clinical, technical and financial needs across the entire Premiermembership." The contract for Elekta's oncology product lines encompasses thecompany's complete product line of linear accelerators with IMRT,advanced X-ray Volume Imaging systems and exclusive Elekta accessoriesand options. Elekta's most recently announced products for Image-GuidedRadiation Therapy (IGRT) are a major part of the agreement and thecontract covers Elekta's ground breaking IGRT platform, Elekta Synergy®,the first radiation treatment machine with an integrated imaging system.In addition, Premier members will have access to Elekta Synergy® S(currently a works in progress), the extracranial stereotactic versionof Elekta Synergy®. "This three-year contract is very important and is a confirmation thatElekta is not only a leader in radiation oncology, but also a businesspartner who understands what is important to our healthcare providerpartners," said Peter J. Gaccione, Vice President, Oncology at ElektaNorth America. For further information, please contact: International: Peter Ejemyr, Group VP Corporate Communications, ElektaAB (publ),Phone: +46 733 611 000, e-mail: peter.ejemyr@elekta.com United States: Lars Jonsteg, VP Investor Relations North America,Elekta, USAPhone: +46 708 78 37 35, e-mail: lars.jonsteg@elekta.com Elekta is a world-leading supplier of advanced and innovative radiationoncology and neurosurgery solutions and services for precise treatmentof cancer and brain disorders. Elekta's solutions are clinicallyeffective, cost efficient and gentle to the patient. For additional information about Elekta, please visit www.elekta.com About PremierPremier, Inc., is a strategic alliance in U.S. healthcare, entirelyowned by 200 of the nation's leading hospital and healthcare systems.These systems operate or are affiliated with 1,500 hospital facilitiesin 50 states and hundreds of other care sites. Premier is headquarteredin San Diego, CA, with offices in Chicago, IL; and Charlotte, NC.Advocacy and policy offices are located in Washington, DC. For moreinformation, visit www.premierinc.com.------------------------------------------------------------This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.netThe following files are available for download:http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/07/28/20040728BIT20360/wkr0001.pdf