Elekta installs breakthrough treatment platform at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA
ELEKTA INSTALLS BREAKTHROUGH TREATMENT PLATFORM AT THOMAS JEFFERSONUNIVERSITY IN PHILADELPHIA, USACancer treatment leader becomes 5th in world to acquire Elekta SynergyTMresearch platform system featuring on-board X-ray Volume Imaging (XVI)In the spring of 2004, Elekta will complete installation of an ElektaSynergyTM research platform system at Thomas Jefferson University's(TJU), Bodine Cancer Center, making the university the fifth institutionworldwide to site this innovative new treatment platform. Elekta hasofficially appointed Thomas Jefferson University as a member of theElekta SynergyTM research group, joining William Beaumont Hospital(Royal Oak, Michigan, USA), Princess Margaret Hospital (Toronto,Ontario, Canada), Christie Hospital (Manchester, U.K.), and theNetherlands Cancer Institute (Amsterdam, the Netherlands).Equipped with an advanced X-ray Volume kilovoltage imaging system (XVI)and flat-panel AmSi detector technology, the Elekta SynergyTM researchplatform system provides sophisticated imaging capabilities with thepatient in the treatment position. The Elekta X-ray Volume Imagingconcept and prototype was developed in 1997 in collaboration with Elektaclinical partner, William Beaumont Hospital. The concept and prototypeof X-ray Volume Imaging has been further developed by Elekta into aproduct which is part of the Elekta SynergyTM system and will make itsdebut on October 19, 2003 at the 45th Annual Meeting of the AmericanSociety for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, ASTRO in Salt Lake City,Utah, USA."Elekta SynergyTM system with XVI is the wave of the future," says JamesGalvin, D.Sc., Director of Medical Physics at Thomas JeffersonUniversity. "Because the patient is imaged within the treatment system'sframe of reference, we can obtain much more timely and accurateknowledge of target position just prior to treatment, thereby minimizingthe impact of set-up error and organ motion.""We are very pleased that Thomas Jefferson University - a long-timeclinical partner - has once again chosen to invest in the future ofradiation oncology," says Peter J. Gaccione, Vice President, Oncology atElekta, Inc. "By acquiring Elekta SynergyTM research platform system,the clinicians and scientists there have demonstrated that they shareour vision that radiotherapy can be transformed into a much more preciseand effective treatment modality."Thomas Jefferson University is preparing and securing funding for theirfirst Elekta SynergyTM system research proposals - studies of patientswith prostate or head and neck cancers.Elekta SynergyTM system is pending 510(k) premarket clearance and is notcurrently available for sale or distribution in the USA. *****For further information, please contact:Peter Ejemyr, Group VP Corporate Communications, Elekta AB (publ),Phone: +46 8 587 254 00, e-mail: peter.ejemyr@elekta.comLars Jonsteg, VP Investor Relations North America, Elekta, USAPhone: +1 770-670-2419, e-mail: lars.jonsteg@elekta.comElekta is a world-leading supplier of advanced and innovative radiationoncology and neurosurgery solutions and services for precise treatmentof cancer and brain disorders. Elekta's solutions are clinicallyeffective, cost efficient and gentle to the patient.For additional information about Elekta, please visit www.elekta.comThomas Jefferson University is an academic health center located inPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania. The mission is to serve society throughcontributions to the maintenance and enhancement of people's health andwell-being. The Bodine Center for Cancer Treatment is the region'sbusiest radiation oncology center.------------------------------------------------------------This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.netThe following files are available for download:http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/10/16/20031016BIT00790/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/10/16/20031016BIT00790/wkr0002.pdf