In accordance with the decision at the Annual General Meeting on September 15, 2009, Elekta’s Chairman of the Board has contacted the company’s largest shareholders to form an Election Committee. Subsequently, the shareholders agreeing to participate in the work of the Election Committee has each nominated a representative.The Election Committee, that will prepare matters prior to the Annual General Meeting 2010 consists of Åsa Nisell, Swedbank Robur funds, Tove Bångstad, SEB Investment Management, Anders Oscarsson, AMF – Försäkring och Fonder, Laurent Leksell, representing his private and companies’ holdings, and Akbar Seddigh, Chairman of the Board. The Election Committee will appoint one of the members as Chairman. Combined, the shareholders in the Election Committee represented over 41 percent of the votes in Elekta AB on October 31, 2009.Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to Elekta’s Election Committee can do so by e-mail at valberedningen@elekta.com or by letter to: Elekta AB, Election Committee, Box 7593, SE-103 93 Stockholm, Sweden.The Committee’s assignment remains effective until a new Election Committee is appointed.