Interim report for the three-month period May 1 through July 31, 2003
Interim report for the three-month period May 1 through July 31, 2003· Operating profit declined to SEK 53 M (64) and operating margin to 9 (10) percent, mainly as an effect of currency changes.· Profit after taxes amounted to SEK 41 M (43). Earnings per share, after dilution, amounted to SEK 1.24 (1.33).· Cash flow after investments was negative at SEK 24 M (pos: 27).· Order bookings rose 20 percent to SEK 835 M (697) and at fixed exchange rates by 35 percent. Based on a rolling 12-month period, order bookings increased 14 percent. · The order backlog amounted to SEK 2,625 M (2,411), the highest ever.· Net sales declined 7 percent to SEK 615 M (662). At fixed exchange rates, net sales rose 4 percent.For additional information, contact:Peter Ejemyr, Group Vice President Corporate Communications, Elekta AB (publ), tel.+46 8-587 254 00 or +46 733-611 00.------------------------------------------------------------This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.netThe following files are available for download: The full report