Elekta helps build advanced healthcare in Iraq
ELEKTA HELPS BUILD ADVANCED HEALTHCARE IN IRAQThrough United Nation's oil-for-food program, which also has been partof the reconstruction of Iraq, Elekta has been chosen to delivercomplete systems for minimal-invasive stereotactic and functionalneurosurgery to be installed at hospitals in various parts of Iraq. Thedelivery, carried out in October and with a value of approx. EUR 4.3 M,also includes training outside Iraq of both neurosurgeons and serviceengineers.The systems supplied by Elekta will be used for routine as well asadvanced, minimal-invasive brain surgery. Each system includes theLeksell Stereotactic System®, a three-dimensional localizing andreference system that provides extremely high precision in thediagnosing and treatment of such ailments as deep seated brain tumorsand functional disorders. Also included in the system is LeksellSurgiPlan®, an advanced computer-based planning software which makes itpossible for surgeons to plan and simulate treatment in advance.Instruments for biopsies and haematoma evacuation are included as wellas generators for stimulation and lesioning in the brain for thetreatment of functional and other disorders in the brain."Elekta has an ongoing long term commitment to contribute to thedevelopment of health care in the Middle East and to further spread thegentler and less invasive treatment methods that is made possible by thecompany's products", says Lena Höglund, Elekta's Business ManagerLeksell Stereotactic Neurosurgery Europe and Middle East. "The Iraqihealthcare system is now in a phase of rapid reconstruction. WithElekta's equipment, many more Iraqi patients can receive basic as wellas advanced minimally invasive brain surgery that is significantly lessrisky than the alternative open brain surgery. We are also lookingforward to continue to contribute to the advancement of the healthcaresystem in Iraq."Leksell Stereotactic System®, which is also a key component in theLeksell Gamma Knife®, is the world leading equipment for minimalinvasive brain surgery and is used today in more than 1,000 hospitalsaround the world. ******For further information, please contact:International: Peter Ejemyr, Group VP Corporate Communications, ElektaAB (publ),Phone: +46 733 611 000, e-mail: peter.ejemyr@elekta.comUnited States: Lars Jonsteg, VP Investor Relations North America,Elekta, USAPhone: +1 770-670-2419, e-mail: lars.jonsteg@elekta.comAbout Elekta:Elekta is a world-leading supplier of advanced and innovative radiationoncology and neurosurgery solutions and services for precise treatmentof cancer and brain disorders. Elekta's solutions are clinicallyeffective, cost efficient and gentle to the patient.For additional information about Elekta, please visit www.elekta.com------------------------------------------------------------This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.netThe following files are available for download:http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/12/11/20031211BIT00340/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/12/11/20031211BIT00340/wkr0002.pdf