Elekta invites you to a Capital Markets Day in Crawley, UK, on November 14
Elekta invites you to a Capital Markets Day in Crawley, UK, on November14Stockholm 7 October 2003The total world market for Elekta's products for radiation therapy forcancer amounts to between USD 1.5 and 2 billion and is estimated to beincreasing by 5 to 10 percent annually. Elekta is the world's secondlargest manufacturer of radiation therapy equipment and these productsmake up approx. 70 percent of the company's net sales.In many markets, rapid growth is being fueled by demand for the new,more precise and accurate treatment methods. IMRT and the emerging fieldof image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) are beginning to change thefundamental prerequisites for radiation treatment of cancer. Elekta hasa long and extensive experience of IMRT and a leading position in IGRTthrough Elekta Synergytm, the first kilovolt-based system for diagnosticquality imaging of the patient during treatment. The accuracy thatElekta Synergytm provides, in combination with advanced technologiessuch as IMRT, may allow treating physicians to develop new and advancedmethods for more aggressive radiation treatment of cancer.To further discuss these issues and to offer hands on experience ofElekta products as well as a factory tour, Elekta invites shareholders,investors, journalists and analysts to a Capital Markets Day at Elekta'sfacilities in Crawley, south of London.Date: Friday November 14, 2003Time: The program will start at 10.45 GMT and continue until15.00.Location: Elekta Limited, Linac House, Fleming Way, Crawley, West Sussex(Close to Gatwick Airport, halfway between London and Brighton.)Presenters: Volker Stieber, Executive VP - Technology Development &OperationsDee Mathieson, Vice President, Product Manager for Elekta SynergytmPeter Hart, Vice President, Head of Elekta Research & DevelopmentIf you want to participate, please send an e-mail or fax (includingname, company, function and contact details) to Peter Ejemyr, Group VPCorporate Communications,e-mail: peter.ejemyr@elekta.com, fax +46 8 411 4546.For planning purposes, we need your response no later than Friday 31October.Looking forward to see you in Crawley!Best regards,Peter Ejemyr, Group VP Corporate CommunicationsTel: +46 8 58725400------------------------------------------------------------Denna information skickades av Waymaker http://www.waymaker.seFöljande filer finns att ladda ned:http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/10/07/20031007BIT00420/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/10/07/20031007BIT00420/wkr0002.pdf